Evaluation of commercial decontamination agents and self-developed decontamination agents, technologies and methodologies on surfaces and in the air above decontaminated matrices.

Characterization of decontamination needs and development of novel, goal-oriented, highly- active decontamination agents and technologies. The challenging development of detoxification agents, for the complete and rapid decomposition process of hazardous pollutants from persistent environmental matrices, still continues to be of extreme importance. The detoxification agent has to be adequate for use not only with respect to the chemistry and concentration of the specific hazardous compound, but also to the dynamic parameters of the surrounding environment. An approval of a detoxification agent, should ensure the complete degradation of the hazardous compound, to final products that are non-harmful at long-term exposure levels, in relevant relative-concentration and time scales.
Unique ultra-trace analytical methods that quantitatively and reliably monitor the disappearance process of hazardous compounds and simultaneously the appearance of non-hazardous degradation products, down to non-harmful concentration levels are being developed and validated.
Mizrahi, D., Columbus, I. N-Halamine Melamine Derivatives as Novel Decontamination and Biocidal Agents. IL Pat. Appl. 234250 (2014); US Pat. Appl 15/294,445.