
  • Development of advanced laboratory techniques and tools for the isolation and propagation of various pathogenic viruses.

  • Clinical and environmental diagnosis of viruses – isolation and identification using advanced techniques such as Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), genetic and immune-based diagnosis.

  • Deciphering host-pathogen interactions from the cellular level to whole animal models with emphasis on the interplay between pathogens and the host’s innate and adaptive immune systems.​

  • Establishing animal models to study viral pathogenesis and vaccine adverse reactions.

  • Studying the efficacy of different vaccines and therapeutics for prevention, ​prophylaxis or post-infection treatments.

  • Development of antibody-based therapeutics for treatment of viral infections and vaccine adverse reactions.​

Influence of Poly(I:C) treatment on viral dissemination evaluated by in-vivo bioluminescence imaging. Bioluminescence imaging of mice infected i.n with​ 2 LD50. ECTV-Luciferase (A) infected untreated mice 8 days p.e. (B, C) infected mice treated with poly(I:C) on day 3 p.e. and imaged on day 8 (B) and 16 p.e. (C). (D) morbidity (lines) and bioluminescent signal (bars, same ROI; right animal in panel A; red for infected untreated, black for poly(I:C) treatment on day 3 p.e.). *denotes significant reduction in photon flux (n = 3–5 in each group, P<0.05). Daggers represent dead mice. (Israely et. al., 2014).


​Transmission electron microscopy of Vaccinia virus. Staining with phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and visualization by transmission electro​n microscopy (TEM).