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HCMS100 – Noninvasive tracking system to monitor group activity of lab animals

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  • Monitoring lab animals' activity and welfare is a crucial step in the process of drug discovery or vaccine research. To avoid subjective observation and to minimize animal interference, IIBR developed HCMS100 - a computerized hands-off home-cage monitoring system.
  • This system is based on a standard cage rack equipped with a single laser beam and a detector mounted on the cage rack, which enables to monitor and analyse animals' activity based on laser beam interruptions.
  • IIBR performed various experiments using the HCMS100 which include both mice and hamsters and rats subjected to different kind of challenges such as: bacteria, viruses (influenza* and SARS-CoV-2**) and toxins.
  • These experiments presented the differences between the control and experimental groups and verified that the monitored animal movement data correlates to the animal health status.
  • LSRI has filed patent applications for this technology, both in the US and in Israel.
  • LSRI intends to license the patent and its rights to use to international company for completion of the development, production and marketing of the technology.

  1. Monitoring group activity of hamsters and mice as a novel tool to evaluate COVID-19 progression convalescence and rVSV-∆G-spike vaccination efficacy.

    Melamed S, Politi B, Grauer E, Achdout H, Aftalion M, Gur D, Tamir H, Yahalom-Ronen Y, Maimon S, Yitzhak E, Weiss S, Rosner A, Erez N, Yitzhaki S, Shapira C.S, Paran N, Mamroud E, Vagima Y* & Israely T*Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2021)

  2. Mice with induced pulmonary morbidities display severe lung inflammation and mortality following exposure to SARS-CoV-2.

    Falach R, Bar-On L, Lazar S, Kadar T, Mazor O, Aftalion M, Gur D, Evgy Y, Shifman O, Aminov T, Israeli O, Cohen-Gihon I, Zaide G, Gutman H, Vagima Y, Makdasi E, Stein D, Rodenfeld R, Alcalay R, Zahavy E, Levy H, Glinert I, Ben-Shmuel A, Israely T, Melamed S, Politi B, Achdout H, Yitzhaki S, Kronman C, Sabo T.  JCI insight (2021)

  3. Group activity of mice in communal home cage used as an indicator of disease progression and rate of recovery: Effects of LPS and influenza virus.

    Vagima Y, Grauer E, Politi B, Maimon S, Yitzhak E, Melamed S, Achdout H, Gur D, Aftalion M, Shemesh A, Hasson A, Yitzhaki S, Shapira CS, Mamroud E.  Life sciences (2020)




    Figure 1: Schematic representation of the HCMS100



    Figure 2: Mice (A) and Hamsters (B) activity as measured by the HCMS100 (blue) compared to weight loss (black), after exposure to ricin induced ALI/ARDS or SARS-CoV-2 infection, accordingly. ,
